Friday, October 12, 2007

A Peculiar Obsession

I text way too much.

I text like Bobby Fischer play chess. I try to anticipate what the response will be and start to formulate a witty response. I try and think about two or three texts ahead. I highly doubt that I'm the only one that does this. Come on, originality is dead. I just realized that I compared myself to Bobby Fischer. That might not have been on purpose, I haven't decided yet.

I also am completely OCD about my texting. I tend to proof-read each text to make sure I don't sound like a complete baboon, I do that enough when I speak in person. While texting, I make sure that all my punctuation and grammar are correct (or what my own perception of correct is) and then I do that two or three more times. A disapproving tingle goes down my back every time I receive a "LOL" or a "brb". Maybe I'm just too old. I go as far as opening my word processor to check spelling sometimes.

I think I'm sick in the head.

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